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 SnowDrift   Parameter   Examples   Generate Code 

 How to use:

  <APPLET archive="stargaze.jar" code="stargaze.class" width=500 height=250>
      <param name="target" value="_blank">
      <param name="density" value="medium">
      <param name="wind" value="(1-5)">

      <param name="maxlines" value="1">
      <param name="line#" value="SnowDrift">
      <param name="color#" value="FFFFFF">
      <param name="url#" value="http://www.6sense.com">
      <param name="textcolor" value="50FAC8">
      <param name="linkcolor" value="50FAFA">
      <param name="alinkcolor" value="FAE650">
      <param name="align" value="center">
      <param name="textpos" value="-50">
      <param name="fontsize" value="20">
      <param name="font" value="TimesRoman">

      <param name="background" value="snowbg.jpg">

      <param name="fgdivide" value="0">
      <param name="fgmax" value="1">
      <param name="fgimage1" value="snowfg.gif">
      <param name="fgxpos1" value="0">
      <param name="fgypos1" value="1">
      <param name="fgymove1" value="0">
      <param name="fgypos1" value="0">

      <param name="mainlink" value="http://www.6sense.com">
      <param name="maintext" value="Sphere 3D by 6sense.com">

 Optional Parameters
density[density]Amount of snow on the screen.
  • Low
  • Medium (default)
  • High
wind[number]Amount of wind (1-10).
  1. No Wind
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. Default
  6. .
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .
  10. High Winds
target[target]Target of new link.
  • _blank (default)
  • _top
  • _parent
  • _self
 Optional Text Parameters
maxlines[number]Number of lines to process for the scrolling text
line#[string]Replace # with line number. Text for line #.
color#[color]Replace # with line number. Optional different color for this line, otherwise use default.
url#[url]Replace # with line number. Option link for this line.
align[align]Alignment of the scrolling text. (left,center,right)
textpos[number]Amount to shift the scrolling text from the center. To shift right "20" pixels, enter value 20. To shift left 20 spaces, enter "-20"
fontsize[number]Size of the font.
Default: 11
font[font]Type of font you which to use. Limited only to java fonts.
Default: TimesRoman
textcolor[color]Set default color for normal text.
Default: 50FAC8
linkcolor[color]Set default color for link text.
Default: 50FAFA
alinkcolor[color]Set default color for link over text. When mouse is over the link.
Default: FAE650
target[target]Target of new link.
  • _blank (default)
  • _top
  • _parent
  • _self
 Optional Background Parameters
background[image]Filename of the background image.
 Optional Foreground Parameters
fgmax[number]Number of foreground images to load.
fgdivide[number]Number of the highest layer image taht will appear below the scrolling text.
fgimage#[image]Optional image that will be draw in the foreground of the starfield.
fgxpos#[number]The X position of the foreground image.
fgypos#[number]The Y position of the foreground image.
 Additional Parameters [ Full Version Only ]
mainlink[url]Web address of the main link which appears on the top right corner when mouse iso ver the applet. Make sure the value is a valid web address with "http://" in front of it.
maintext[string]Text string to display for the top corner main link. This is appears for the viewer.

6sense.com Applets © 2000 I-Yuan Ion Chen